Thursday, December 1, 2011

The struggle against the silence..

Writing had always been my biggest escape! It helps my soul to wander off in imaginations when I feel strange to this material world. Words had always been my best friends who never run out of my reach. They are the closest companions who always console my mind when I find being avoided.

 It’s a precious gift when you are able to come up with sentences. Even just with simple words, when your mind is too weak to go for the professional literature! It’s an obvious fact that your mind never stops working as long as you are awake, which means that you can always simply write what your soul murmurs and allow your fingers to shape the letters and let them finally form words!

Writing is one of the best arts to explore your intelligence. Nothing else can lead you to discover your thoughts more than letting your inner voice shout. That’s how you enter into your own mentality! And travel through your very own intellects. You are unable to know your capabilities unless you reach deep to your conscious.

Writing is more of staying alive. That’s when you can have a sound conversation with yourself. That’s the way you find out the drives of your heart, and build the bridge towards the land of your dreams! A famous writer once said, “Writing is my time machine, takes me to the precise time and where I belong.”  
Let your fingers dance, listen to the rhythm which your heart plays, and enjoy the uniqueness of your inner songs which no one ever has listened before. That’s how you struggle against the silence!

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